Sustainability from deep roots

From the rocky peaks to the glass

Rotari implements any system that improves sustainability and safety. In the territory, where expert agronomists support farmers in every decision, keeping them up-to-date on technical progress. Also in the cellar, where renewable energy production is linked to waste reduction and water resource protection.
Sustainability as far as the eye can see
A place suspended between the charm of history and the efficiency of modernity: conceived in total respect for the environment, with the criteria of bio-architecture and energy efficiency, built in harmony with the surrounding territory. Set amidst the mountains and vineyards of the Piana Rotaliana, its suggestive “wave” roof evokes the pattern of vineyards cultivated with the Trentino pergola. The cone at the entrance slopes elegantly like a landmark. The porphyry ramparts embedded into the immaculate green lawn.
A vocation for sustainability, guaranteed by the SQNPI certification
Since 2016, all our winegrower members, through the coordination of the Consorzio di Tutela Vini del Trentino, have obtained the Ministerial Certification SQNPI - Sistema di Qualità Nazionale per la Produzione Integrata - for their grapes. Since 2017, the winery has also obtained it for its wine. A double recognition that guarantees, through a series of controls throughout the supply chain, that our work is truly sustainable from the land to the winery, from the countryside to the bottle.

"Wine in Moderation": a sustainable wine culture

Rotari, bieng part of the Mezzacorona Group is an Ambassador Company at WINE IN MODERATION (WIM), a Brussels-based European association that has been committed to promoting responsible and careful wine consumption for years. The group thus strengthens its commitment to sustainability and the promotion of a balanced lifestyle in which wine can be enjoyed in moderation.
Our commitment to sustainability is not only environmental but also social. Safety and responsibility have always been at the core of our philosophy and are expressed in the promotion of a balanced and sustainable lifestyle in which good wine can be enjoyed in moderation. We choose to make informed decisions, to respect those around us and the wine we are drinking. Let us share it with friends and family, pairing it with good food and water. Let us take care of ourselves to take care of others.
Our certifications
BRC Global Standard for Food Safety British Retail Consortium - from 2012
DLG GM Wine - from 2011
Equalitas - Modulo Organizzazione Sostenibile - from 2020
IFS International Food Standards - from 2012
SQNPI Sistema di qualità nazionale di produzione integrata - vineyards from 2016, wines from 2017